Saturday, July 20, 2013

Life Cannot Be Same Song And Dance

Life revolves around us like an electric fan in our room. We have its control. You can make it either speed up or slow it down as per your requirement. When life pushes us down, try to speed it up and when things go smooth try to maintain a speed that you feel comfortable in. Sometimes, things go so smooth that you do not want to regulate it and go with the flow but that flow may or may not lead you to the right track.

Acceleration is a must but you must know how to control it. I am in search of such an acceleration right now, I am trying to move from speed 1 to speed 5 as I am feeling the warmth of failures & anxiety. If I don't regulate it, I may never be able to discover my strengths and weakness.

Image was found in quotecounterquote website
Life cannot be same song & dance, you need to install new software, new applications to upgrade it. If you don't, you'll be struck doing good but not better or the best. Never go for competition or do things out of jealousy, do it for yourself. No matter even you have the lowest education & no money, you can make a difference. Your thoughts makes you rich and not money. Money comes to those who keep their thought clean and work hard to become what they really want. Devote time to do stuff that you like.

If you like being idle, do it. But, then do it to the maximum. There is a saturation point. After that you'll realize or know whether being idle was really a worth or not. Same is the phenomenon with people who smoke & drink. Take one day and smoke and drink to your fullest and if it doesn't do any good, then leave it. We all know intoxication of any kind is dangerous to our health but we still do it may be that God's way to test our patience & mental stress. So to pass it, you need to be strong and face that phase and not give up yourself on drugs or any other substances.

To be continued....


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