Sunday, November 3, 2013

Humans Are God Slaves

Who Do You Consider God? 

Image was found at remnantresource website
  • I don't see him
  • I don't hear him
  • I can't touch him
  • I can't meet him
  • I can't share my meal with him
  • I cannot do anything real with him.
The only thing that I can do is worship him, in
  • Pain or pleasure
  • Sadness or happiness
  • Joy or sorrow
  • Grief or grievances
  • Promotion or demotion
  • Ethical act or an unethical act

So To Worship Someone Equals To God. Is It The Truth?

All religious books say there is a God, Allah, Guru, Param-pameshwar who is divine.But, when we look at his only magnificent creature human, he left them to choose their own destiny. Some have wealth and a lot poor. So why such a distinction or difference? Even some great saints are living without the basic necessities. Criminals don't even think once before shooting someone. In my opinion, if there is a God, humans are his slaves. Money and Power are two most godly characters these days.

I met so many different people not only in India but in the US as well. Out of the 100 people I know only 10 of them really care for me and will be there by my side. The other 90 are based on the balance sheet. More assets = more care, more liabilities = who cares, including all the relatives.

Image was found at wired website
I am surprised to see how as we age, people start changing. Even a mother, father starts choosing between their own sons and daughters. If you were to make such a choice, why you'd let them enter in your womb.

I have seen so many teachers teaching other kids on discipline, but when it comes to their own kid, fuck discipline. How can you create a distinction between a kid on school or your own? The kid at school has the same body organs, same mind so why only teach them and not your kid?

I am so full of vivid emotions, it'll take time to describe those emotions. But I hope out of the millions there, there is or there will be one person who will understand me or at least my thoughts.

To be continued...


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