Thursday, July 11, 2013

Goals| Objectives| Circumstances| Levels| Steps

Internet games are getting quite popular especially which are played over social networking websites especially Facebook. Till date, I didn't knew that they can become addiction too :-D. The games we play can also teach us many things and inspire us in many ways.

Image was found at fabiodicas website.
I wasn't that much fan of these online games as I was always interested in games which have high graphics and an interesting game-play. I still remember playing GTA 4 San Andreas, while I was in school. Whenever the exams used to come nearer, my interest in playing will advance too :-D. I still remember searching for different MODS and cheat codes, when I should be studying. But, thanks to my mother, whose shouts made me pass my exams somehow. Soon, I lost all interest in GTA 4 because I had every cheat code and cleared all the stages and it became boring. This incident made me realize that when you reach the top place with cheating or doing wrong, you get bored. So its better to be where we are, at least there are goals, objectives, circumstances, levels & steps which we can enjoy clearing it with constant practice & honesty. The reward in the end will not be boredom yet a sense of pride.

Nowadays, I am quite interested to play Zynga Poker in Facebook. You can call me a gambler :-D, but I am a poor gambler LOL. What this game taught me that if you bet on things blindly even when you have the greatest hand, you may suffer a loss. So its always better to use head and play strategically rather than just taking blind decisions. Your luck is dependent upon your bet and your bet is dependent upon your mind/thinking. So luck = presence of mind/thoughts. I was a strong believer of luck, but when I have to prove it practically, I cannot do it. Even the luckiest person can have bad luck and vise- versa. So, it is solely dependent upon the circumstances, thoughts, actions and deeds. Being a strong believer in Karma, I cannot skip to mention "deeds".

Image was found at facebook website
People often say, listen to your heart but I say listen to your head & do things. A head will analyze things properly than a heart. But, with so much romance in the air & Bollywood, we think its the heart that tell us to do good but it ain't. I agree on one of Osho's quote "Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your sentiments, all are centered in your head. It is just a fallacy to think that your feelings are in the heart. Your heart is just a blood pumping station."

Just FYI, I talk a lot on inspiration but do not get it the other way around that you should wait for an inspiration to come and then you start working. You have to constantly work and I only talk about how to get inspired from small things in everyday life so that you maintain a constant happiness in your doings. :) 

Feel free to write some thoughts and I will be happy to answer them.


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