Friday, July 12, 2013

Train Your Emotions To Act By Your Attitude And Not By Your Events Of Life

Train your emotions to act by your attitude and not by your events of life.

The very precise meaning of attitude is "A settled way of thinking or feeling, typically reflected in a person's behavior." For an instance, when I see teenagers around my town, they have an entirely different perspective of attitude. The attitude for them lies in how many friends they have, how much money they have or how many girlfriends they have LOL. Their behavior is the outcome of the things around them but not their thinking or feeling. But, that is what teenagers do because their mind is growing & learning, their feelings are not strong and their emotions are weak.

I was in Bhopal for last two days, its a very beautiful place to visit especially the Lake in the monsoon season. The green grass, water flowing from hilly areas and mountains looks like heaven on earth. I wish our India could be like this everywhere and in every season. Even nature sets an example on how the land can be so beautiful if you take care of it. However, Indian politicians are more concentrated on generating revenues for their home & luxuries. Let's not deviated from the topic and concentrate on this post :)

Now the question arises as what can be the best attitude you can adopt? The answer is simple, you can adopt an attitude of kindness or an attitude of envy. You have the choice here. It simply depend on your behavior towards people around you. A person having an attitude of kindness will have more success in the long run of life. Why? Kindness has its own importance/value/respect which will bring you closer to people not because of your money or status but because of your pure heart. We have so many examples like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela & many more who work hard to adopt an attitude of kindness and are remembered for centuries. These people weren't born rich but their thoughts, their actions made them the most popular and influential people around the globe.

Remember that attitude of kindness will test you. It's not an easy path. You may have to undergone strong critics from your family, friends & society. But, you have to be think different and stay focus on your thoughts.

Life has its ups and downs but when its compared to a roller coaster like ups & downs, I get afraid. You definitely don't want your life to fall so hard that you start vomiting. The idea should be how to provide stability & consistently rather than just falling down & rising up. Life on a straight line is also boring & monotonous but how about some speed bumps on that straight line.

To be continued...


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