Monday, July 8, 2013

What Is Life?

I am not a scientist that can explain you the genetic, biological or chemical factors controlling life. The best part of life is when you are inside your mother's womb. You are safe from the pollution & corruption :D. However, life starts once you emerge out from your mother as a baby.

There is no definition of life but there is a meaning to life. People say you are born for a purpose but I strongly criticize it as life is a beautiful gift, a thought it has no purpose. I often wonder, there are so many religious books around the world based on common thought of  doing good deeds yet we see everyone fighting over the smallest things. Out of 10 people you meet, only 1 will have no motive behind your friendship. So we have the ratio of 1:10 of people who are selfless or not corrupted. If we compare it the total population, we will find that there are many people around the globe who are good people. So now, it totally upon you, where you would like to place yourself?

I would like to share one interesting video, in which you will see, how life rotates based upon your thought and doings.

I always keep this video on my cell phone, it gives me inspiration to do good and one day I shall receive the same. The video is tagged with the name "Kindness Boomerang". I hope you are familiar with boomerang, which you can throw in any direction, will eventually come to you. So remember to put in some good deed in your day today and make a note in your diary and see if something good turns back to you. Sooner or later, it will. It may not come instantly but will come eventually.

Well I was just trying to sleep, but just couldn't as whenever I do something new or start something new, I feel so excited that my sleep just vanishes away. This way I feel that insomnia is a good thing because at night time only, the thoughts gets so vivid and you have more imaginations. The mind at this time is free from work, tensions and other miseries of life. Of course, many people at this time of the day are engaged chit-chatting with their girlfriends and often waste the opportunities to do something creative :D. But, I feel sometimes, such chats & conversations over phone, results in blog like these :D as inspiration can come from anything and from anywhere.

Did I use the word inspiration? Yes I did. So what is your inspiration? There is always a time when in life you feel low and only some kind of inspiration gets you moving. I will really appreciate if you can tell me your inspiration as this can help a lot of depressed people to know the different ways to get over depression, a root cause behind people who die in vain and not realize they can learn from other people. Leave your comment and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Image was found at
Today, my inspiration is the song "Alive" from the artist "Empire of the Sun" remixed by ZEDD. The music and lyrics, just pushed me to do something new and spend some time in doing something original and creative. You can click here to listen to the song. This song can be a little nuisance for the people who love slow music, but its worth a try. For those who didn't enjoy the music, here are few lines from the song:

"Freedom is within you
Giving makes us feel good
Hello to our people
Say hello to the future
Love you every minute cause you make me feel so alive, alive."

So you see how inspiration is hidden in such small things. You just need to open up and try and you'd definitely get success.



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