Monday, March 10, 2014

Sleep Deprivation - How It Feels To Live Without Sleep

Hearing the word sleep deprivation really freaks people out because sleep is considered an important part of healthy living. But I want to test my adherence to sleepless nights for a continuous of 36 hours.

Sleep is an important asset of our body, without sleep our central processing unit "Brain" faces technical issues. These issues affects its memory power, speed and its capacity to hold data. In order to correct these technical issues, turn off the sleepless cycle and give it a rest of 7 to 8 hours.

Sleep deprivation is no fun intended. I am carrying out this experiment under my own risks. I am
highlighting this because sometimes sleep deprivation of 48 hours or more can lead to health risks such as:
  • Hallucinations
  • Anger
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in body
  • Headache
  • Lack of enthusiasm 

What Brought This Weird Idea?

Like everyday, I was hanging out with my friend and abruptly we started talking on sleep. We had different opinions. My friend thought, sleep deprivation is very common and students especially living a hostel life usually don't doze off for two or more days. I thought may be he is right, its just a waste of time. Usually if we have people around and engage in activities we can skip sleep without knowing it. But, suddenly I thought, to make it tough, I will consolidate myself to limited activities and limited area. And that's what I did. I didn't go anywhere and stick myself to a area about half a mile.

Why Am I Doing It?

I want to analyze and find out what really happens after a good amount of sleep deprivation. I have read a lot of articles on the same but physically experiencing it will surly give me something to analyze about sleep deprivation effects on my body and mind. 

The 36 Hours Phase

To start with, below is the first picture I took at 10:21 PM to notice changes in the face expressions. I will be uploading one picture, every hour after 10 PM.

I am alone, so its all selfie :D The photos are original with no edits, so if I scare you in anyway, well get scared :)

The first one, I think I am looking the usual way. Just a little tired because I just cleaned my room after a few days. It's a tough exercise, trust me :D

Activities So Far -

1. To start with, I cleaned the room as I think having a clean room and bed with clean bed-sheet is a desire to sleep more and confronting it will make my mind strong enough to resists to my usual habit of sleeping.

2. I am listening to songs which is my all-time favorite hobby. I think music holds an important aspect in changing one's mood. Let's see how far it affects my mood during this sleepless phase.

About the current weather - Its getting cold. There is a constant flow of cold winds. I am great fan of such a weather condition. Thank you God for this.

The Second Hour

This is my very first Youtube video. I am a little nervous as I have never done this before. You can notice changes in my voice and my expressions if any during this 36 hours of sleepless night through these videos.

I may not be entertaining but you can always leave your comments, I'll try to improvise.

The second hour seems to be okay. Just had to wear the jacket as its getting cold.

Facial expression - Better than previous.

Mood - Pleasant, not tired now.

Eyes - They are little sleepy as compared to the first.

Behavioral Change - I am having some trouble setting the video alignment, but somehow I managed to fix it so that it fits in the blog. Nothing much of a change, just normal.

Mind is clear having no extreme or vivid thoughts.

The Third Hour

This is the second video. So far I haven't taken any kind of caffeinated product and I'll try to avoid them as much as possible.

Well as the hours are going by, I am feeling better. This may be third hour, but I have been awake since morning so I am surprised that I am not that much sleepy as I used to be at this time of the day.

Eyes - A bit sleepy but better than second hour.

Mood - Okay.

Listening to It feel like home to me by Chantal Kreviazuk. You can listen to the song by clicking on it. 

Behavioral Change - None.

Thoughts - Many random thoughts have started to come up. Guess mind is getting upset about this event :D



The Fourth Hour 

The fourth hour has started and I feel little warm. This is the first sign of entering the sleepless night phase. If you have also undergone sleepless nights and observed anything special, do share it here. 

So far I am not experiencing any kind of changes neither physical nor mentally.

Eyes- Pupils are getting smaller :D

Behavioral Change - Getting irritated a little, losing patience with Youtube upload time.

Thoughts - More random thoughts are getting in the head. 

Music - Heartless By Kanye West





Fifth Hour 

I am feeling a little hungry and sleepy too. Now, its time to engage in something so that I do not fall asleep or let my negative thoughts take over me. I think I'll make Upma, a south Indian dish. Very easy to make and light to eat. I am not an expert but I make it good enough to eat :D

Well you can see that I have to keep my eyes focused because I am feeling sleepy at this moment.

Eyes - Sleepy again.

Mood - Mixed

Behavioral Change - Hungry, no desire for caffeinated drinks yet.

Thoughts - Complex and too many.

Music - Tamanche Pe Disco




Sixth Hour

Feeling a lot sleepy right now.


Constant thoughts are revolving in the head. Just finished making upma, hopefully it tastes good.

Mood - Tired & Sleepy

Behavioral Changes - Feeling an urge to go to bed. Hungry.

Eyes - Sleepy and quiet blinking.

Health Effect - The cold I had, has increased a little bit.

Weather - Freaking cold outside.

Song - Rabba from Fukrey.

Well looks like I am now an expert in making upma. This is the second time that it tasted very yummy and delicious. I think having a sleepless night improves your cooking skills :D. I wish someone would have joined me in this event, eating alone feels boring.






Seventh Hour

This hour is getting difficult as my eyes are tired, my leg are also showing signs of restless leg. The swings in mood are visible. I am listening to same song over and over again.


I think its well said that its difficult to stop sleep around 4 to 7 AM schedule.

Eyes - Sleeeeepy

Mood - Mixed

Behavioral Changes - Physical symptoms of not sleeping in usual time visible.

Pain - No

Emotions - Conflicting

Song - Kuriyan Ya Maape



Eighth Hour 

The feeling right now is not so good. I'd rather have a cup of tea.

I should have a cup of tea now.

Mood -Mixed...mostly sleepy.

Memory - Still good....







Ninth And Tenth Hour 

After a long time, I witnessed one fine morning. I am usually not a morning person but the fresh air in the morning really works. The best thing is you don't have to face the traffic which rules the road everyday from 6 am till midnight.

I am glad that I have completed one night without a nap. At around 5:30 AM I was about to fall on the table but suddenly I pulled my strength and had a glass of water and carried on the journey.

Brain always tricks to give up hope, but so far I have managed not to.
The pictures below are taken this morning when I was out. I may not have the best look at this time as my eyes are popping out LOL..

Just to clear, it's the eleventh (11th) hour going on for the event but I am awake from almost 24 hours now. Yesterday, I woke up at around 7ish.

Mood - Pleasant

Behavioral Changes -No anxiety and restlessness, feeling better as the sun appeared.

The restless leg I had has gone away as I took a stroll outside. Having a cup of tea made the mood. Also, seeing the morning light has signaled the melatonin to stop its secretion. If you know, melatonin is a chemical reaction responsible for the activation of sleep in our body.

So far the journey seems absolutely fine. I hope to answer my own questions which I have in mind after the complete of 36 hour sleepless phase.

I am glad to have taken this step as it'll help me to understand the mechanism of sleep and its effect on brain.

Sleepless nights are like a drug or marijuana, which gives a feeling of being high. So if you are a drug or Ganja addict, experience this, may be it can help alleviate your tendency to depend on such a drug.

Right now the song played is Summertime Sadness.

I will release the next set of video at the night time because that's the difficult phase to get through.

I am getting bored so I uploaded another video :P Today's agenda is to drink a lot of water and other fluids to maintain proper oxygen levels in the body. 


Well its 20 hours now from the event and more than 29 hours from the actual time I was awake. I have analyzed 4 different changes from sleep deprivation during these 29 hours, these are:
  1. Effect on diet
  2. Effect on vision
  3. Effect on hearing
  4. Effect on attentiveness level 

I find these analysis great, as it gives me a picture what can go wrong, if I don't take enough sleep. These are simple observations and I think is applicable to most people when they are sleep deprived.

16 hours are left to complete and the main struggle starts after midnight, I hope I can make it and analyze more changes and bring it up to you to provide practical knowledge of sleep deprivation.

This is the first time I am making videos, so pardon my quality of language and video quality. I am not emphasizing to bring a splendid video but trying to be original. I hope you'll appreciate it.

Last but not the least, what I should have for dinner tonight? :D Let's see how sleep deprivation helps in this decision making.


24 Hours Completed

I am feeling tired and sleepy but I am hopeful that I'll complete the 36 hours of sleep deprivation.

If you have questions, please ask by sharing your comment.

The 25th Hour

Thoughts - Countless

Eyes - Wide Open

Emotions - Mixed

There are many thoughts flowing in the head. I am feeling emotional as well enjoying the time.

I thought it's going to be easy but to deceive one's sleep mechanism is tough.

Still I am cool and not having any kind of arrogant attitude which usually is a symptom of sleep deprivation.

1:22 AM - I am undergoing a tough time right now, I am feeling way too emotional and has started thinking about past events. They are just flashing right in front of my eyes. Also, one incident just happen, which I expected to be good this time did not improve. With sleep debt, every thought is turning into negative ideas. This is what I need to learn to stop attaching emotions with events. When I am awake for almost 26 hours right now, I wanted things to change. But its seem that sleep deprivation does not change the emotions with situations. So another aspect of sleep deprivation learned here.

29th Hour

Some personal experiences that I am encountering at the last stages of sleep deprivation experiment.


I hope this stage clears away soon. The views expressed here are totally based on my self experience, do not misinterpret them in anyway.

30th Hour

My eyes are all ready to close :-D This is the most difficult phase to be awake.

Even closing my eyes for few seconds will send me into sleep mode, so trying my best to stay awake.

My thoughts are disapperaing, I think my brain has shifted its thought towards sleep.

Few more hours to go, I am quiet excited about this.

Few more hours to go.

Feeling quiet sleepy and tired.
The final words I have summarized in the video. This was my first experiment ever so if I made any kind of mistakes, please pardon me.

Take care all and have a good one.

After Sleep Deprivation And 8 Hours Of Sleep

After 36 hours of sleep debt, in fact it was about 44 hours of sleep deprivation, I had a sleep of 8 hours and feel more relaxed.

Do share your comments.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Humans Are God Slaves

Who Do You Consider God? 

Image was found at remnantresource website
  • I don't see him
  • I don't hear him
  • I can't touch him
  • I can't meet him
  • I can't share my meal with him
  • I cannot do anything real with him.
The only thing that I can do is worship him, in
  • Pain or pleasure
  • Sadness or happiness
  • Joy or sorrow
  • Grief or grievances
  • Promotion or demotion
  • Ethical act or an unethical act

So To Worship Someone Equals To God. Is It The Truth?

All religious books say there is a God, Allah, Guru, Param-pameshwar who is divine.But, when we look at his only magnificent creature human, he left them to choose their own destiny. Some have wealth and a lot poor. So why such a distinction or difference? Even some great saints are living without the basic necessities. Criminals don't even think once before shooting someone. In my opinion, if there is a God, humans are his slaves. Money and Power are two most godly characters these days.

I met so many different people not only in India but in the US as well. Out of the 100 people I know only 10 of them really care for me and will be there by my side. The other 90 are based on the balance sheet. More assets = more care, more liabilities = who cares, including all the relatives.

Image was found at wired website
I am surprised to see how as we age, people start changing. Even a mother, father starts choosing between their own sons and daughters. If you were to make such a choice, why you'd let them enter in your womb.

I have seen so many teachers teaching other kids on discipline, but when it comes to their own kid, fuck discipline. How can you create a distinction between a kid on school or your own? The kid at school has the same body organs, same mind so why only teach them and not your kid?

I am so full of vivid emotions, it'll take time to describe those emotions. But I hope out of the millions there, there is or there will be one person who will understand me or at least my thoughts.

To be continued...

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Life Cannot Be Same Song And Dance

Life revolves around us like an electric fan in our room. We have its control. You can make it either speed up or slow it down as per your requirement. When life pushes us down, try to speed it up and when things go smooth try to maintain a speed that you feel comfortable in. Sometimes, things go so smooth that you do not want to regulate it and go with the flow but that flow may or may not lead you to the right track.

Acceleration is a must but you must know how to control it. I am in search of such an acceleration right now, I am trying to move from speed 1 to speed 5 as I am feeling the warmth of failures & anxiety. If I don't regulate it, I may never be able to discover my strengths and weakness.

Image was found in quotecounterquote website
Life cannot be same song & dance, you need to install new software, new applications to upgrade it. If you don't, you'll be struck doing good but not better or the best. Never go for competition or do things out of jealousy, do it for yourself. No matter even you have the lowest education & no money, you can make a difference. Your thoughts makes you rich and not money. Money comes to those who keep their thought clean and work hard to become what they really want. Devote time to do stuff that you like.

If you like being idle, do it. But, then do it to the maximum. There is a saturation point. After that you'll realize or know whether being idle was really a worth or not. Same is the phenomenon with people who smoke & drink. Take one day and smoke and drink to your fullest and if it doesn't do any good, then leave it. We all know intoxication of any kind is dangerous to our health but we still do it may be that God's way to test our patience & mental stress. So to pass it, you need to be strong and face that phase and not give up yourself on drugs or any other substances.

To be continued....

Friday, July 12, 2013

Train Your Emotions To Act By Your Attitude And Not By Your Events Of Life

Train your emotions to act by your attitude and not by your events of life.

The very precise meaning of attitude is "A settled way of thinking or feeling, typically reflected in a person's behavior." For an instance, when I see teenagers around my town, they have an entirely different perspective of attitude. The attitude for them lies in how many friends they have, how much money they have or how many girlfriends they have LOL. Their behavior is the outcome of the things around them but not their thinking or feeling. But, that is what teenagers do because their mind is growing & learning, their feelings are not strong and their emotions are weak.

I was in Bhopal for last two days, its a very beautiful place to visit especially the Lake in the monsoon season. The green grass, water flowing from hilly areas and mountains looks like heaven on earth. I wish our India could be like this everywhere and in every season. Even nature sets an example on how the land can be so beautiful if you take care of it. However, Indian politicians are more concentrated on generating revenues for their home & luxuries. Let's not deviated from the topic and concentrate on this post :)

Now the question arises as what can be the best attitude you can adopt? The answer is simple, you can adopt an attitude of kindness or an attitude of envy. You have the choice here. It simply depend on your behavior towards people around you. A person having an attitude of kindness will have more success in the long run of life. Why? Kindness has its own importance/value/respect which will bring you closer to people not because of your money or status but because of your pure heart. We have so many examples like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela & many more who work hard to adopt an attitude of kindness and are remembered for centuries. These people weren't born rich but their thoughts, their actions made them the most popular and influential people around the globe.

Remember that attitude of kindness will test you. It's not an easy path. You may have to undergone strong critics from your family, friends & society. But, you have to be think different and stay focus on your thoughts.

Life has its ups and downs but when its compared to a roller coaster like ups & downs, I get afraid. You definitely don't want your life to fall so hard that you start vomiting. The idea should be how to provide stability & consistently rather than just falling down & rising up. Life on a straight line is also boring & monotonous but how about some speed bumps on that straight line.

To be continued...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Goals| Objectives| Circumstances| Levels| Steps

Internet games are getting quite popular especially which are played over social networking websites especially Facebook. Till date, I didn't knew that they can become addiction too :-D. The games we play can also teach us many things and inspire us in many ways.

Image was found at fabiodicas website.
I wasn't that much fan of these online games as I was always interested in games which have high graphics and an interesting game-play. I still remember playing GTA 4 San Andreas, while I was in school. Whenever the exams used to come nearer, my interest in playing will advance too :-D. I still remember searching for different MODS and cheat codes, when I should be studying. But, thanks to my mother, whose shouts made me pass my exams somehow. Soon, I lost all interest in GTA 4 because I had every cheat code and cleared all the stages and it became boring. This incident made me realize that when you reach the top place with cheating or doing wrong, you get bored. So its better to be where we are, at least there are goals, objectives, circumstances, levels & steps which we can enjoy clearing it with constant practice & honesty. The reward in the end will not be boredom yet a sense of pride.

Nowadays, I am quite interested to play Zynga Poker in Facebook. You can call me a gambler :-D, but I am a poor gambler LOL. What this game taught me that if you bet on things blindly even when you have the greatest hand, you may suffer a loss. So its always better to use head and play strategically rather than just taking blind decisions. Your luck is dependent upon your bet and your bet is dependent upon your mind/thinking. So luck = presence of mind/thoughts. I was a strong believer of luck, but when I have to prove it practically, I cannot do it. Even the luckiest person can have bad luck and vise- versa. So, it is solely dependent upon the circumstances, thoughts, actions and deeds. Being a strong believer in Karma, I cannot skip to mention "deeds".

Image was found at facebook website
People often say, listen to your heart but I say listen to your head & do things. A head will analyze things properly than a heart. But, with so much romance in the air & Bollywood, we think its the heart that tell us to do good but it ain't. I agree on one of Osho's quote "Your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your sentiments, all are centered in your head. It is just a fallacy to think that your feelings are in the heart. Your heart is just a blood pumping station."

Just FYI, I talk a lot on inspiration but do not get it the other way around that you should wait for an inspiration to come and then you start working. You have to constantly work and I only talk about how to get inspired from small things in everyday life so that you maintain a constant happiness in your doings. :) 

Feel free to write some thoughts and I will be happy to answer them.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How Song Lyrics Inspired Me

I am quite inspired by the artist Bohemia, The Punjabi Rapper.

At first when I started listening to him, I wasn't that much impressed because I wasn't that good in Punjabi language LOL. Well, I am still not that much expert in Punjabi but as it's my mother tongue, I can now understand most of the word very easily.

Image was found at the website
His songs are like an adrenaline, that can give you feelings filled with both negative & positive thoughts. But, most of his song are based on his personal feelings so when such feeling matches, then surly you can enjoy his songs. For me, his songs added music to my thoughts. I had similar thoughts but there was no music in it. So, for me his lyrics got stuck in my head and now there is no such day when I don't play his songs.

Especially, when you hear the song "What have I learned" featuring Jennifer Filzen and follow the lyrics, you'll surly get an inspiration to do something good. I am sharing a part of the lyrics with you here:

Gham'an da khazana hundi Zindagi
1 2 3 da fasana hundi Zindagi

Aaj meri vaari, kal teri zimmewari
kadi rukdi nai sada jari rendi zindagi

Garib saunde bhuke, amir roti khande, PAR
Aadmi doven bane rabb de hathan de

naale MAUT kise da mazhab ni dekhdi
Jithon vi aande othe wapas jaande saare

Rall mill rahoge te banegi gall,
Ek dooje naal ladna ni masleyan da HUL

Jeda beet geya PAL, oh laut ke ni aanda
JIND ve keemti khazana Jawana!!

You can listen to the song by clicking on the play button of the following video.

It totally focuses on how world treat us before and after death. Sometimes, people realize your worth after you pass away. Well, this thought is very practical. If you remember there was a guy Rohan Rathore, who suffered from cancer & passed away but left a good song which is "Emptiness". So, the inspirational point of view here is create something unique & different and be original in your attempt. Do everything from your heart, don't do it just to gain votes or get applause.

Well, from the first post "What is Life?", if anyone got a little bit of inspiration to do something good, please leave your comment and share your views.

Today, July 10th 2013, was quite a surprised and amazing day. I received a message from none other but Bohemia itself for my blog post. It really made my day. :) So now you notice if you do something without the aim of any reward, you'd be surprised that life starts treating you with more respect.

I am attaching the snapshot here, for the comment I received from "The Punjabi Rapper"...

So, this was the aim behind this post. I will conclude it by a quote from Judy Garland that "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else."

Please leave your thoughts on this post and if I can help you in anyway, I'd be more than happy to do it.